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キャンピングカー ボディ



1. camping car body for toyota neo5



2. camping car body for toyota neo4   sale to japan.hed exhibied to tokyo motor ex-po



3. camping car body for toyota neo3   sale fo jpan.had exhibied to tokyo motro ex-po



4. camping car body for toyota neo2   sale for japan.hed exhibied to tokyo motor ex-po



5. camping car body for toyota neo1   sale for japan had exbized tokyo motor ex-po



6. camping car body for toyota neo    5mm



7. pick up car wagon sizi3


8. connection of roof and side     The two parts fit well.



9. roof side       The material is FRP.



10. roof surface outside    The material is FRP.



11. left corner outside    The material is FRP.



12. bottom outside       The bottom size fits the trunk of car.



13. body without roof     It has a good shape.



14. body circle       The material is FRP to strengthen the body.



15. corner outside    The corner is strengthened with mixed metal.



16. body roof     The material is FRP



17. pick up car wagon body-1



18. camping car body



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